Building Our Future Through the Past

Ridgway Heritage Council

What We Do

The Ridgway Heritage Council is proud to preserve the charm of our historic Pennsylvania town, supporting various economic development efforts in Ridgway. By embracing our roots, we’ve revived the past and enriched the present, shaping the future for our community.


A historic house tour, or venue is done every other year. The proceeds offset the costs to the flower program and flower bed maintenance.


by Bob Imhof
Bob provides the group an informational piece each month at the board meeting and also an edition in the Ridgway Record.

Grant Writing

Grant Writing is done for specific projects such as the banners, Christmas Decorations, trees, and streetscape amenities.


A music festival is being planned for the summer of 2024, which will coincide with the Bicentennial celebration.

Economic Development

On the monthly agenda is a round table discussion focusing on updates on storefronts, riverfront, and trail activities.

Our Strategic Plan

In the past twenty years, Ridgway has taken significant steps towards the revitalization of the central business district, including a highly successful historic façade program and the establishment of a National Register Historic District.

These accomplishments provide an excellent base on which to move forward, but there are many more elements that must be implemented to truly revitalize our downtown. Take a look at our plan to build on these accomplishments and move Ridgway forward.

The Ridgway Bicentennial

2024 is the Bicentennial Year for Ridgway! Our town has a ton of ideas for exciting events and activities for all residents and visitors. We’re currently in the planning stages of the Bicentennial celebration, so please check back often for more updates!

Visit the Ridgway Chamber of Commerce website for more information about upcoming bicentennial events and to read more about Ridgway’s rich history!

Our Mission

The Mission of the Ridgway Heritage Council is of the utmost importance to our community. We strive to keep Ridgway going through pursuing economic and community revitalization utilizing historic preservation as a tool.